I spent five days in Beijing, giving talks to various companies and research labs in the capital city. While I was there, I took the opportunity to do a little sightseeing, that is, while the smog was thin enough to see anything. Never have I ever been in a city with this much air pollution; it makes LA look like Seattle. What I found most interesting was how “soviet” Beijing feels; while Shanghai feels like an ultra-modern mishmash of western and eastern cultures heated to a simmer by the burning fires of commerce and change, Beijing feels much older, much more traditional, and much less… There are abandoned lots and derelict buildings in the city close enough to subway lines to (in my mind) be worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars, and yet there’s no development snatching them up. The feeling I got was that the city does not operate with the same capitalistic rationale as Shanghai, and in my conversations with locals both there and in Shanghai, I found that many people preferred that.
When the pollution cleared up, the stark, northern beauty of Beijing revealed itself, and I felt I could understand the insanely ancient cultural heritage of the area more fully; the Great Wall and Tian’anmen are both representative of something older than almost anything I have ever touched, and that sense of history permeates the whole city.
- Nighttime arrival at my AirBnB
- The AirBnB was surprisingly cute, and when the sun could break through the pollution, it was almost picturesque
- My MS Asia friends took me to Ba-Sing-Se for roasted duck and other Beijing specialities
- Public shaming for crossing the street incorrectly
- Nighttime bridge
- #yesfilter
- A little old lady was handing these out on the street
- They grow the pear inside the bottle to help flavor the alcohol
- The view from the cafe at the top of the Institute of Physics
- Mall decorations
- Research labs are the same anywhere. These upstanding chaps let me stick around in their lab until my nighttime group call
- Subway station or Bladerunner 2049 set piece?
- If you stare long enough into the distance, the distance stares back at you
- If only we had another fire marble dome in Seattle.
- Now all I’m missing is a wardrobe
- Tian’anmen square
- In Tian’anmen square, the PRC’s finest are constantly practicing for all to see. The message is pretty straightforward
- Much mall. Many floor
- Lead us, oh pink gorilla. Lead us back to our home with your flashlight hand
- yes
- Waiting for the train back from the Great Wall
- This guy was streaming karaoke from the top of the Great Wall, and he was giving it his all
- Monks kept on stopping me and asking to take a picture with me
- Some parts of the great wall are so steep, you have to really be careful not to tumble down backwards
- What America will look like in 2200 years
- This inspires a lot of confidence
- Urban Photography #yesfilter