And we’re off! I abandoned my family and friends to fling myself to the other side of the globe once again. This time, in the presence of my good friends the Yaus, who graciously invited me to spend the Lunar New Year with them in Taiwan. Little did I know that it was secretly an indoctrination program designed to chip away at my mental fortitude, gradually replacing my identity with that of the “Third Yau Brother”. It would have been more sinister if I hadn’t thrown myself wholeheartedly into my new role, devouring every delicacy placed before me, graciously losing to Paul and Calvin every time we played Smash together (every. time.) and laughing along with the inside jokes as they downloaded them into my brain through a condensed auditory viral load during the long car rides.
Our roadtrip around the Taiwanese countryside revealed to me that Taiwan is an honest-to-god tropical paradise; something I hadn’t fully appreciated before seeing it with my own eyes. The amount of agriculture also really surprised me, surpassing my wildest dreams with the amount and variety of delicious fruits and vegetables. I was particularly enamored of the fruit, but to be honest that isn’t unusual or even confined to Taiwan. While I have been told many times that the food in Taiwan is delicious, I was not prepared for this to be true of the simplest of fares. Everything from wax apples, to rice, to cabbage tasted incredibly fresh and rich. I have never waxed poetical over cabbage before, but Taiwanese cabbage has burrowed inside my heart and taken up residence. Long live the cabbage king.
- The entryway to the university the Yaus live in
- The Yau’s university has this mezoamerican thing that is fascinating, if not a little foreboding
- Mushroom Trees
- .~.~.Follow Me.~.~.
- Pineapples…… Pineapples Everywhere…..
- Kumquat Disneyland’s Youth Indoctrination Room
- SmartFish makes tofu soup in scales I’d never dreamed of
- Calvin and I went on a hike where the clouds pooled below us like lakes
- Misty Trees
- Somehow, i think something was lost in translation, but it’s probably made up for by the smilies
- Our next album cover
- Paul gazing wistfully into the distance as we stare at his butt
- Interesting rock formations on the beach
- Beautiful vistas from our beachhouse BnB
- Enjoying the Libnbrary
- Taiwan has absolutely gorge-ous geography
- Water sheet caves
- We survived the water caves, soaked but happy
- Short exposure
- Long exposure
- feet
- Our BnB host was a potter, she filled the place with her creations
- The bike rental clerk took one look at me and knew there was only one bike that would do for me
- “There he goes…. There he goes again…..”
- After fearless, repeated experimentation, we have finally managed to merge Octopus and plant DNA
- Freshly baked bread from our BnB host!
- Paul likes the wind
- Calvin being the older brother
- Cellar/escape route underneath restaurant in Tainan. If Paul had to crouch, you can imagine what it was like for me
- Art installation in subway station in Taipei
- I rate this parking job 5/7
- Hotsprings in northern Taipei
- Nighttime in Taipei